
Can I Manage or Transfer Several SignUps at Once? Bulk Actions

When you have multiple SignUps, there are times it can be helpful to manage several of your SignUps at one time. "Bulk Action" buttons lets you select several SignUps and complete the same action for all of them. You can:

  • Transfer: Pass the Baton to transfer all selected SignUps from your account to a new Organizer's account. The SignUp links, participant information and assignments remain intact during the transfer. NOTE: You will no longer be able to access the SignUps unless the new Organizer has a Premium account and adds you as an Assistant Organizer. 

  • Publish: Post the SignUps to a Group Page of your choosing.

  • Archive: Take SignUps off-line but save the plans for future use. Later you may permanently delete these SignUps, if you choose.

  • Restore: Restore Archived SignUps (only available with page Filter set to Show Archived SignUps)
  • Lock: Close all SignUps at one time and prevent other Organizers from accessing 

  • Unlock: Open all SignUps so any Organizer can access them. 

Access the Bulk Actions feature from the Organize or My Invitations tabs, or click the ">>" symbol next to My SignUps from your Dashboard tab:


Click the check boxes in the left column to select which SignUps you want included in your action and then click the orange button to choose which action you want to take place:



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