
How to make your SignUps Ad-Free

Upgrading to our ad-free experience will remove picture and video ads on all SignUps, Group Pages, email notifications, as well as Sponsored special offers (check boxes) in the Participant SignUp screen.

  • Any account can become ad-free for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year for annual subscriptions (discounted with 2 months free).
  • The Ad-free experience will apply to ALL SignUps in the account/Plan (where you are the Primary Organizer or Campus/Organization Plan Admin.)
  • Ads are removed immediately upon upgrading.

Please see instructions for your Plan type below.

A: Upgrading to ad-free from a Basic (Free) account

B: Upgrading to ad-free from an active Premium, Campus or Organization Plan


A: Upgrading to ad-free from a Basic (Free) account. 

Please login at from a computer or tablet (not your smartphone) and go to your Profile page. You will upgrade in the middle of the page (click the green Upgrade button) and add the ad-free experience in the payments screen (screen shot below):

  1. First choose the check-box at the top of the screen to "Upgrade to an ad-free experience..."
  2. Then choose the "Ad-free Only" option towards the bottom of the screen (monthly or annual subscription)
  3. Press Continue at the bottom of the screen to enter your credit card and pay. 

Your account will become ad-free right away.


Upgrading to ad-free from an active Premium, Campus or Organization Plan

If you would like to make an existing Premium Plan ad-free, please send us an email using the format below authorizing us to charge your credit card for the additional ad-free subscription fees. We will activate your ad-free experience within 24 hours (though most often within an hour or two).


From: The Primary Organizer's email address

Subject: Ad-Free Upgrade Request

Message: {Please copy/paste this message and add your information}

I have registered for a Premium Plan and would like to activate an ad-free experience.

The e-mail address of the Premium Account holder is _____________________.

I hereby give permission for you to move my Premium account to an ad-free upgraded account and understand that my payment will increase by $9.99/month for monthly plans and $99.00/year for annual Premium subscriptions, Campus and Organization Plans.

Have more questions? Submit a request
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