
How do I add my assignments to my electronic calendar (iCal, Outlook, Google, etc.)?

Syncing your SignUp assignments to your electronic calendar is easy.  There are a three opportunities:

1. From a smartphone: After saving your Spot(s), the next screen has an Add to Calendar link. (ical, Outlook, Google)

          iPhone - Add to Calendar option.png  

2. From a Computer:  After signup up for your Spots, click Save at the top of the screen, the next screen has calendar sync options for Outlook and iCal. 

Add to calendar large screen.png

3. From email: Your confirmation email sent from has calendar sync links.

25.Email.109.2.PutCommitmentsOnCalendar (1).png

Looking for a Google Calendar sync link? Please go to your smartphone and find your confirmation email from Click the link that says View/Change My Commitments, find your assignment Spot and click Save to get to the Add to Calendar link shown in #1 above. 

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