
I cannot see in the whole screen. Can I resize it to fit?

Adjusting Your Screen for the Best Experience

SignUp is designed to fit most iPad, laptop, and computer screens. However, if you’re using a netbook or a smaller laptop, you may need to adjust your screen view to see everything properly.

Quick Fix: Adjust Your Browser Zoom

Instead of scrolling, most browsers let you resize the Zoom setting to fit the full screen. This option is usually found under the "View" menu in your browser settings. Setting your Zoom to 80% or lower should resolve any display issues.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Zoom Adjustments

  • On a PC: Press Ctrl + (-) (minus sign) to zoom out
  • On a Mac: Press Command (⌘) + (-) (minus sign) to zoom out
  • Press Ctrl (or Command) + (+) (plus sign) to zoom back in

Reset Your Zoom to Default Settings

  • Firefox & Edge: Press Ctrl + 0 to reset both font size and zoom.
  • Google Chrome: Manually set your Zoom back to 100% in browser settings.

This should help ensure you have the best possible viewing experience on SignUp!

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