
How do Participants, Volunteers and Class Parents access

Activity SignUp Access:

Participants NEVER need an account or password to access, instead they are invited to sign up for an activity via a personal email invitation or a shared link on a website, Facebook page or eNewsletter.

1. Personal email invitation sent by from the activity organizer. Each person's email invitation has a unique code and should not be shared.

2. Shareable URL link/Web Button. These links are unique to the activity, but can be used by anyone to sign up. The participant clicks on the link in an eNewsletter, webpage or Facebook, provides their email address and then signs up for spots.

Participants and Volunteers with Invitations to Multiple Activities:

Participants and volunteers can be invited to sign up for multiple activities. If the participant has been directly invited to multiple SignUps or has already signed up on multiple SignUps, they can register an account to access them all in one place.

Participants with Registered Accounts:

If a participant chooses to create a registered account, just Log In and click My Invitations to view SignUp invitations and assignments.  Our pro app "SignUp by" for iPhone and Android lists all assignments in one place, on the same screen.


Can't find your SignUp link?

Search your inbox for a confirmation message from '' or click "Find My SignUp" at the top of the website or from your mobile browser - we'll send you new links to your activities right away.

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