
How do I cancel my Premium subscription?

We use secure third-party payments partners to manage your Premium subscription. Please follow these instructions to cancel any further renewal on your account:

Send us a message:

From: The email address on your SignUp account


Subject: Premium Unsubscribe

Body: Please copy and paste option A or B below in the body of the message:

A: Please cancel my Premium service, but keep my account active on I realize that my activity data stays intact and I can continue to use's free service and upgrade again at any time.

Please include:

1. The email address on your account

2. Payment email address

3.  A short description about why you're cancelling your Premium subscription and downgrading your account. We practice continuous improvement and add new features all the time based on customer feedback and suggestions.

B. Please delete my entire account. I have deleted all my activities and assignments and realize my account will be permanently removed.

Please include:

1. The email address on your account

2. Payment email address

3. A short description about why you're cancelling your account. We practice continuous improvement and add new features all the time based on customer feedback and suggestions.

You will know your request has been received, when you receive an auto-acknowledgement email (with a ticket number) after sending in your request. 


 Our Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your monthly or annual Premium subscription or Campus Plan within 14 days of your initial upgrade, you receive a full refund -- just send the request to requesting the refund, no questions asked. You will not be charged any fees for cancelling before 14 days.

If you choose to cancel after 14 days, you will not be charged for your next billing cycle (next month or next year). 

If you cancel your Premium subscription, your data will return to the free version. Your Premium data is stored and you may re-upgrade at any time to access your data and Premium features.

Need Help? Send us a message to - please include the Organizer email address,  payments email address and a brief description of the issue or concern.

Have more questions? Submit a request
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