
How do I delete an assignment?

Are you a participant, volunteer or class parent?

Please see this article: How do I delete my spots/assignments?

Are you an activity Organizer?

There are two quick ways to delete a participant assignment:

  • Find by participant name
    1. Click on the SignUp title in My SignUps to open your Organizer view.
    2. Then, click on the blue Participants tab.
    3. Choose the participant's name or email address and a window will pop up with all their assignments.
    4. Click the "X" next to the the assignment, then Savemceclip1.png
  • Find by day
    1. Click on the SignUp title in My SignUps to open your Organizer view.
    2. Then, click on the blue Participants tab.
    3. Navigate to the day the participant is assigned to.
    4. Click the shift/task/item to which the person is assigned and click Assignmceclip2.png
    5. Then click the "X" , then Closemceclip3.png
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