
Does SignUp offer phone support?

We’re here to help and make it easy to get the answers you need. As a primarily free service helping millions of people do Good, we don’t offer on-demand phone support. Here’s how we can help you right away:

  1. Search this Help system for answers to frequently asked questions. If you don't see the answer you're looking for, click the orange "Help" button (look to the bottom left) to ask us your question. We're great at answering questions via email and typically respond to all support inquiries within a few hours (definitely within 24 hours).
  2. Check out our Quick Tip Videos for key features and suggestions on how to plan and manage your SignUps.
  3. Attend one of our free coaching webinars to learn more about how works and ask questions – there’s one almost every week: Register Here >
  4. Request a coaching call to receive one-on-one support from one of our Product Specialists. Please send us a note and let us know more about your questions and needs so we can match you to the coach with the most experience with groups like yours. Please follow this format:


Subject: Coaching Call Request

Please tell us...

  • a little bit of background about your organization 
  • the type of activities/events will you be planning
  • your question

We'll then send you a calendar link to schedule a call with the Product Coach who is the best match for your question. Coaching calls take place via Zoom so we can share a screen to enhance our explanations (no video required for the call).

Have more questions? Submit a request
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