
How do I get a report of my personal volunteer hours / service record?

As a SignUp participant or volunteer, you may access your Participant Hours Report when you register an account at (Note: most participants/volunteers don't yet have a registered account with a password because it's not required to participate in a SignUp hosted on our site.  You access the SignUps via Invitation links.)  

To access you Participant Hours Report:

1. Register an account with a password then login to (>>Register

2. Click your name in the menu to access your Profile Page.

3. Scroll down to the Participants Hours Reports section and choose to have a report emailed to you with your hours for Last Year, This Year or All Time.

Participant hours report.png

NOTE: If the Organizer has deleted or archived the SignUp, your hours won't be listed. To get a record of your service, please search your mailboxes for previous reminder messages from or contact your Organizer directly with your documentation request.

Organizers please see: Can I print a report to include the hours for My SignUps? (hours tracking reports)

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