
Can I embed my SignUp Calendar or Group Page on my website? offers many ways to invite people to participate in your SignUps. If you're wanting to direct people to sign up for your activities directly from your website or blog, please consider these options:

1. - Post an html SignUp button custom-coded to an individual SignUp or to a Group Page (a page with links to multiple SignUps). We provide pre-formatted button code; you can also substitute your own image and link to the *Shareable* URL of the activity. Learn more here:

How do I invite people to sign up on my Group Page?

How do I invite people to sign up for my activities?

2. - Redirect a SignUp page on your website to the *Shareable* URL of your SignUp or the Group Page URL. (Contact your webmaster or web hosting company for instructions on redirecting the page.)

3. - Embed a free Google Calendar on your website then sync it with your SignUp or Group Page calendar(s).

How to Embed a Google Calendar on your website, Google Help Article

How to Sync SignUps and Group Pages to a Google Calendar, for Organizers


Note:  SignUps and Group Pages can not be directly embedded in other websites as there is too great a risk that the individual website could have a conflict with the code that runs our site and/or will be slower than the servers demand to load SignUp  pages quickly. Additionally, our SignUp and Group Pages are mobile-responsive (routing to specially formatted pages for participants accessing from smartphones); this capability not typical for most websites run by organizations and schools.

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