
How do I collect money for contributions, dues & fees, or to sell tickets, t-shirts & other items? makes it a snap to collect money -- fundraise for your cause, or collect contributions for teacher’s and coach’s gifts, course fees, trips, t-shirts, tickets, uniforms, membership dues and more!


We've partnered with trusted online payment transaction companies Stripe and PayPal to make collecting money quick, easy and secure. Your supporters can make contributions with either their credit cards, their bank accounts, or their PayPal or Venmo accounts. You'll receive the money directly into your Stripe or PayPal account and can then transfer it to your designated bank account.

SignUp has waived our convenience fee and there are NO set-up charges, surcharges or monthly fees to collect money on the site. To pay for the swift processing of funds, Stripe charges a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction and PayPal fees are typically 2.99% to 3.49% + $0.30 per transaction and vary based on your PayPal account type, payment methods, and country. (Please review PayPal details here and here.) All fees are automatically deducted from each transaction so you're never billed for anything.

NOTE: Both payments partners offer a discounted fee for US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations (starting at 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction) learn more directly at Stripe and PayPal

Review Frequently Asked Questions for Organizers Collecting Money here.

Setting Up a SignUp to Collect Money

To create a stand-alone SignUp for collecting money, go to your Dashboard and click the Create New SignUp button then follow the 4-step Planning process:

1. Provide Details: Choose SignUp Kind "Fees or Contributions Only" and complete the requested details.


2.  Setup Contributions: In this step you will both select your payments partner and set up your collection.

Select your Payments Partner: Select either Stripe or PayPal and authorize your account to accept payments. You will also link your new payments account to your bank account for the distribution of funds. 


Set up Collection: Enter details about what you're collecting money for. Options include setting up:

 - a goal (how much money you want to raise)

 - contribution levels

 - item descriptions and prices

 - inventory levels on items for sale

 - customizing alerts when just a few items are left

3: Choose a Theme:  Upload your logo or choose one of our badge images; add a background.

4: Invite People: Invite people to your Fees or Contributions SignUp via a direct email invitation, a Shareable link posted on your website, Social Media, Newsletter and more.  Payment screens are smart-phone optimized for your supporters on-the-go! Learn how here.


Tracking and Withdrawal of Funds

Track your payments in the Reports tab of your SignUp or by logging into your Stripe or PayPal account directly.

Withdrawing money is completely free! All you have to do is choose the withdrawal method that's right for you and authorize your bank account. Learn about withdrawing money from Stripe here and from PayPal here










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