
Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab

The Reports Tab

We make it easy to track a variety of information about your SignUp and your Participants - including who's coming when, rosters, and service hours tracking. 

Access the Reports Tab in your SignUp's Organizer view:

1) From the Dashboard or Organize tab, go to the My SignUps menu and click on the SignUp Title.

2) Click on the Reports tab from a computer to view to see this screen:



3. From your phone, open the SignUp's Organizer view by clicking the SignUp Title in the My SignUps menu and then click Details and choose Reports.


Individual SignUp Report Types: 

  • Who's Coming: A summary of all the Spots and Participants in a specified date range, including Participant Comments (optional).
  • Printable SignUp & Check-in Sheets: The SignUp report can be used to pass around and have people sign up on paper. The Check-In report is our most popular showing all participants signed up in a specified date range and the Custom Participant Questions. (Note: Electronic Participant Check-in is available for Plus and Max-level Premium subscribers. Learn more here)
  • Roster: A list of all Participants invited and signed up, their contact information and number of assignments. Includes Custom Participant Questions.
  • Hours Tracking: Premium Feature (Max level) listing the summary hours of each Participant.
  • Export: Download (.csv) of all SignUp data to open in Excel or other programs including Custom Participant Questions, Comments and a check-in time stamp.
  • Interactive Reporting*:  A dashboard of all your SignUp data that you can bookmark, sort and customize which fields to include in your report. Interactive reports can be exported to (.csv) to be opened in Excel.
  • Participants Awaiting Spots: Premium Feature (Starter, Plus and Max levels) listing the Participants who signed up for the Notifications Waitlist to get alerts when someone cancels their assignment or the Organizer adds new Spots to the SignUps.

Want to run reports across multiple SignUps at once? Please learn more here:   Can I run Reports Across Multiple SignUps?  (Max-level, Campus or Organization Plan required.)

* This report is only available when accessing the Reports tab from a large-screen device, such as a computer or a tablet.




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