
People keep signing up under my email address, not their own. What is happening?

Understanding SignUp Invitation Links

SignUp invitation links come in two types:

  • Personal Links – Sent directly to the Participant from and coded to a specific email address.
  • Shareable Links – Open for anyone to use.

If people are accidentally signing up under your email address, they may have accidentally received and shared your Personal Invitation Link instead of a Shareable Link.

What to Do

  • If you're a Participant (parent, volunteer, student) – Please forward this help article to the SignUp Organizer.
  • If you're the SignUp Organizer – Read on for solutions.

How Personal Invitation Links Work

Each SignUp-generated invitation is coded to the Participant's email address, allowing them to sign up without creating an account (a feature they love).

To prevent accidental sharing of personal links, SignUp includes:
✅ A text warning in each email invitation.
✅ A pop-up email confirmation screen when participants enter the SignUp.




How to Fix Incorrect Sign-Ups & Share the Correct Link

If participants are moving quickly and click "Continue as Name" before reading the pop-up confirmation, they may accidentally sign up under the wrong email address.

To correct this and get a Shareable Invitation Link instead, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Fix

1. Notify Participants of the Issue

  • Start by going to the Messages tab of your SignUp's Organizer view. (From the Dashboard tab, click the SignUp title in the My SignUps area to access your Organizer view.)
  • In the Messages tab, notify all participants to ignore the previous link and wait for the correct one.
  • See: Tour of My SignUps Messages Tab

2. Remove Incorrect Assignments

  • In the Participants tab, find the incorrect email address/name combination (likely yours).
  • Click on it, then remove incorrect assignments by clicking the red X next to each one.
  • See: Tour of My SignUps Participants Tab

3. Get the Correct Shareable Link

  • In the Invite tab, copy the Shareable URL.
  • Share this link via your email, group messages, newsletters, social media, etc. so participants sign up correctly.

Invite Tab Shareable Link.png


See Also: How do I invite potential Participants? 


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