
How do I cancel my account?

Are you a participant, volunteer or class parent?

Typically, volunteers/participants/class parents do not have registered accounts with SignUp. You may delete your assignments yourself by following these instructions: How do I make changes to my spots or cancel my shift or appointment? (for Participants)

Or, please contact your SignUp organizer and ask them to please delete your commitment.


Are you an Organizer?

We will delete your account at your request - but first, please consider these Three Reasons To Keep your Account:

  1. Quickly Can I Use Plans From An Existing SignUp To Create A New SignUp? or pass the baton to a new organizer or a new activity next year - without having to re-enter all the items.
  2. SignUp keeps your participant list for each SignUp so you can easily invite the same participants to future SignUps without having to re-enter email addresses.
  3. It is totally free to keep your account. Come back any time and pick up where you left off.

Still want to delete your account?

Send an email to

  • From your registered email address
  • Subject: "Cancel my Account"
  • Message: "Please cancel my account, I realize all of my SignUps and Invitations will be permanently removed from SignUp. My account is {Basic / Premium} << please specify. " Please also take a moment and let us know why we do not meet your needs. We add new features all the time based on customer feedback and perhaps we can point you to a more suitable resource.

***Note:  Your account will be permanently removed and no data from the account will be accessible in the future. If you just want to cancel your paid upgrade, see below.

If you want to cancel your Premium Subscription plan, but KEEP your basic account, please read this: How to cancel my Premium subscription

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