
Can I turn off the Change/Update emails sent to participants when I make a change to my SignUp?

Managing Change Notification Emails for Participants

As the SignUp Organizer, you control whether participants receive email notifications about changes to their assignments. For details on adjusting your email preferences, see: How do I change my SignUp's Organizer Email Preferences?



When Change Notifications Are Sent

If the "Notify Participants when Spots are changed" setting is set to YES, participants will receive an email when:

When Change Notifications Are Not Sent

Participants will NOT receive an email when:

  • You update the description or extra details for a Spot.
  • You change the number of available spots for the Spot.
  • You delete the Participant from the Participants tab of your SignUp's Organizer view. 

For more information see When are emails sent from

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