
Does have a Spanish version or other languages available?

While we only have a full English version available at this time, most non-English speaking Participants  are able to successfully sign up and navigate’s simple, intuitive interface.

When you define your Spots (shifts, appointments, jobs or items Participants sign up for), you may use your preferred language and/or local character set in the open text description fields. For example:

ToDo: Library Helper / Ayudante de Biblioteca   
8am - 10am / 5 spots

ToBring: Snacks for 20 kids / Bocadillos para 20 estudiantes  
11am / 1 spot

The control buttons that the Participants will see are in English and are intuitive - most people are successful: Sign Up/ Save/ Done. Additionally, Google Translate offers a free web-browser interface that will translate our screens in real time. 

If you have just a few non-English speakers, you may consider making manual assignments for those participants. Here’s how: How can I add an assignment for a participant or volunteer?

If you have many non-English speakers, you may consider educating them on the Google Translate option available on the Chrome Browser:  Accessing in Spanish (or any other language) in the Chrome browser

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