A Group Page is a custom location to post multiple SignUps so your Participants can access all your activities with one link (URL). You may set up a custom Group Page after organizing at least one SignUp. This quick video will guide you, or scroll down for detailed instructions:
Note: Some screens in this video may differ in color or layout due to recent design updates, but functionality remains the same.
To launch your Group Page, Log In on a computer or tablet (not a smartphone) with a valid SignUp.com Organizer account and click the Organize tab / My Group Pages in the menu bar, or go to your Dashboard tab and scroll down to the My Group Pages section.
Start by clicking the orange button to create a new Group Page then follow the steps below.
1. Details: Enter a name for your Group Page and add a Description. The Group Page Name and Description will show at the top of the page, when viewed by participants.
2. Upload an Image: Add your logo or any other image (jpg, gif or png)
3. Add Activities: You choose which of your available SignUps to add to the page. A SignUp is considered available for the Group Page if there are future dates planned, you're the Primary or Assistant Organizer AND you have completed the planning steps (the SignUp is live).
4. Share: There are many sharing options for inviting Participants and Volunteers -- choose one or more.
A completed Group Page will look like this:
A Special Note to Campus and Organization Plan Members: You may permit any other Organizer in your Plan to post their SignUps to your Group Page(s). Please see: How can another organizer post a SignUp to my Group Page?