Setting up your Activity Calendar
Getting Started - the Basics of Setting up a SignUp
How to Plan Parent-Teacher Conferences
How do I invite people to sign up for my SignUp?
How do I set up a Potluck or Party?
How do I remove Spot Names from the Automated Drop-Down List?
What is the SignUp Planning Wizard? Why does my SignUp say Incomplete?
How to Plan a Prayer Circle or Prayer Chain
How do I set the Time Zone for my SignUp?
Adding Virtual Meeting Links to your SignUp: Zoom, Google Meets, Go To Meeting, etc.
Can I hide comments Participants make?
Can I have the times on the SignUp display as Military Time or as a 24 hour clock?
How can I Limit the Number of Spots /Assignments Each Person Can Sign Up For?
Allowing Participants to sign up others (family/team members, groups, etc.)
How do I set up a shift that runs past midnight?
How to Add Spot(s) to your SignUp
Setting up Parent-Teacher Conferences for a Whole School or Grade
How do I create a Spot (job/task/shift) that is a multiple day commitment for the participant?
Can I add all my manual assignments for volunteers and not have them notified until I am done?
How do I add or change the logo or background design on my SignUp?
How to Plan Silent Auction Basket Donation SignUps
How do I copy a Spot (shift, job, item) to a new day or to several repeating days?
Can I add a liability waiver, photo release, confidentiality agreement or other text that participants must agree to before participating?
Planning a No-Date SignUp
Planning Multiple Day SignUps
Planning Single Day SignUps
How do I set up a Giving Tree, Angel List or Adopt-a-Family Group Gift SignUp?
Tour of My SignUps Invite Tab / Mobile Share
Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab
Tour of My SignUps Messages Tab
How do I copy last year's or season's Signup plans to this year?