
How do I change my email address - I'm an activity Organizer?

How you change your Organizer email address depends on what kind of change you need - a SignUp-specific Primary Organizer Change or a Universal Email Change.

Primary Organizer Change

Change the Primary Organizer of any activity to a new person or to yourself at a new email address but KEEP your current email address active in Click here to see how you can make a Primary Organizer Change yourself in a handful of minutes.

Universal Email Change

Replace your current email address with a new email address everywhere in's system and make your original email address invalid by following these steps:

  1. Login and click on the Profile icon in the menu (upper-right-hand corner) and choose Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the E-Mail Address field and change the address. Click Update.
  3. You’ll receive an email at your NEW address confirming your request, click the link in that message to complete and authorize your email address update.
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