
Tour of My SignUps Invite Tab / Mobile Share

We make it easy to invite Participants to your activities. This short video will review your options, or scroll down to see the overview with screenshots below.

**Alert: The desktop Dashboard view has been updated. Please see screenshots below.

The Invite Tab


Access the Invite Tab in your SignUp's Organizer view in one of two ways:

1) From the Dashboard, click on the SignUp Title listed under the My SignUps menu.

2) When you login, choose the Organize tab / My SignUps screenthen click on the SignUp Title .

Can't find your SignUp? Check the Filter by option at the top of the page that controls the display. Filter by 'All SignUps', 'Past SignUps', etc., to find the right one.


If you are using a mobile device, you will click on the SignUp Title  under My SignUps (Upcoming), then choose Share:


The Invite tab and Share option allow you invite participants to your SignUp by sending an email invitation, providing a shareable link, inviting people through Facebook and/or Twitter, and putting a button on a website, or directly via Remind (group text program typically used by educators). You can choose one option or all of the options.


Inviting with Email

If you would like to use email to send your invitations, check the box labeled Send an email through SignUp (desktop), Share via Email (mobile)


You can enter email addresses of your Participants, choose a list from a previous SignUp, or choose a Contact List, if you have created one. When entering a list manually, you are limited to batches of 150. You can send multiple batches, but each is limited to 150 email addresses.  For large lists, we recommend sharing the Shareable link below.

 Caution:  Do NOT send a personal invitation to group email addresses or list-serves, use a shareable link below, instead.


You can choose to resend invitations to those previously invited.  If you want to send to a small group, you can enter the email addresses in the box.  If you leave the box empty, invitations will be sent to all who are listed on your participants tab.


Inviting with a Shareable Link

You can add a shareable invitation link into your emails, newsletters, or web pages. Simply check the Get a shareable link box (desktop) or Copy Shareable Link.  Cut and paste the link and suggested invitation text.

Inviting with Social Media

You can use social media to invite your potential Participants.  Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are all available options. 

Put a button a website (this option is only on desktop)

SignUp provides a snippet of HTML code that can be used to but a button linking to your SignUp directly on your website or blog.

NOTE: To send invitations to MULTIPLE SignUps at once or to Participants on all SignUps posted to your Group Pages, please choose Advanced Messaging from the My Tools menu at the top of the site when you login.


BONUS Invitation opportunity: You can also invite potential participants with a QR code. See this help article on getting the QR Code: Can I Get a QR Code for my SignUp or Group Page?  You can email the QR code, or print it and post it.

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