
SignUp and Zapier

Note:  SignUp does not have an open API, but we do offer a "by invitation only" interface via Zapier, see details below. If you are a company interested in partnering with us for a custom interface, please contact Let us know a bit about your organization and your interest in


Intro to SignUp + Zapier

As a SignUp organizer, you probably use a variety of tech tools/apps in addition to SignUp to keep track of everything related to your event. Wouldn’t it be nice if all these apps could automatically be updated in real time whenever there is a status change in your SignUp? Zapier to the rescue! Zapier connects your SignUp with hundreds of other apps and eliminates the tedious manual process of copying data from one app to another. 

The Zapier integration is in private release currently, for an invitation please email!

Examples of how you can connect SignUp to other Apps:

  • Add a row to your Google Spreadsheet every time a spot is filled on your Signup.
  • Add a row to your Google Spreadsheet every time a new participant is added to your Signup.
  • Send a welcome email with orientation details whenever a spot is filled on your Signup.
  • Add to your Constant Contact list whenever a new participant is added to your Signup.

Getting Started

Zaps are the connections that are made between web apps. Before creating your first Zap, do these 3 things:

  1. Register an account on and create a SignUp. It must have at least one Spot with at least one Participant assigned to it.  (A Spot is a job, a shift, an appointment or something to bring -- you can assign yourself to a Spot for this purpose.)
  2. Register an account on
  3. Decide what information you want to share between apps.

Some frequently used apps:

  • Asana
  • Constant Contact
  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Contacts
  • Google Drive
  • Google Sheets
  • Mail Chimp
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Trello

How to Create a Zap

To create a Zap, you'll need to choose triggers and actions. The following example creates a new row in a Google Sheet every time a person signs up on a SignUp. In our example, the trigger app is SignUp, and the action app will be Google Sheets.

To begin:

  • Make sure you are signed into your SignUp account in one tab.  
  • Sign in to your Zapier account in another tab, so they are both active.  
  • Start by clicking Create Zap! in your Zapier account.


Step 1:  Choose When this happens …


You can create one of two Trigger events

New Spot/Assignment Filled or New Participant Added

New Spot/Assignment Filled allows you to use this data:

  • Spot Name
  • Participant Name
  • ID (unique Participant ID)
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Date (of Spot/Assignment)
  • Start Time
  • End Time

New Participant Added allow you to use this data:

  • Participant Name
  • SignUp Name (Title)
  • Participant ID (unique Participant number)
  • Date Added
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Activity ID (unique SignUp #)

For our example, we choose New Spot/Assignment Filled.

Next, choose your SignUp account, it will default as long as you are signed into the account.

Then, choose the SignUp Title. (It will show a list of active SignUps in your SignUp account.)


The last step of "When this happens..." is to find the data from your SignUp.  Click Test Trigger.


When your data is found, you will see this screen:


Step 2:  Do this....

You will choose what will happen when a new participant assignment is made in your SignUp.


For our example, we are choosing to add a new Row to a Google Spreadsheet.  NOTE:  You will need to create a Spreadsheet with Header rows for the data you wish to collect such as:


You can then choose your Google Account and the Spreadsheet:



Once you choose the Spreadsheet name, you can then link the available data elements to each column of the spreadsheet that you created.

Last, you will Test:


If your test is successful, you will see this screen:


Your Zap is then ready to activate.  From your Zapier Home screen, make sure to turn your Zap On:


As long as your Zap is ON, any data (Assignment or New Participant) added to your SignUp will add to your Google Spreadsheet (or other action you choose).


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