
What is the Campus Plan for K-12 Schools?

Want to Use SignUp School-Wide? Our Campus Plan is for you!

We are privileged and excited to support your good work and offer a special Campus Plan for K-12 Schools! SignUp saves parents and teachers hundreds of hours getting organized and boosts parent participation in the classroom, programs and fundraisers. Some commonly asked questions to consider:

1. What is included in the Campus Plan?

Our K-12 Campus Plan combines the simple convenience of SignUp's Basic (free) service with the extra planning and collaboration power of our Max-level Premium Plan, including:

  • Premium Upgrade Accounts for up to 150 Teachers, Staff and Parent Leaders
  • Unlimited parent and student Participants
  • Parent/Volunteer Hours Tracking
  • Text (SMS) Reminders (US, Canada & Australia)
  • Custom Participant Questions (e.g., T-shirt sizes, group affiliation, student's name, date of birth)
  • Unlimited Customizable Group/Class Pages
  • Custom URLs for SignUps and Group Pages
  • Add a Waiver, Release or Required Document
  • Set a Limit on How Many Times Each Person Can Sign Up
  • Notification Wait-list for Participants
  • Add Assistant Organizers to each SignUp (up to 15 per SignUp)
  • Scheduled Locking/Unlocking of SignUps
  • Rolling Opening/Closing of SignUps on an ongoing basis
  • Electronic Participant Check-in
  • Permissioned Posting to School Group Page(s)
  • Invitations and Messaging Across SignUps
  • Reporting Across SignUps included in the Plan
  • Participant Check-in and hours validation
  • Add-free Eligible (additional fee)
  • Priority Email Support
  • Coaching Calls via Zoom
  • Access to SignUp's Parent-Teacher Conference Concierge Service (additional fee)

2. How do I get the Campus Plan for K-12 Schools?

Click "Go Premium!" in the menu when you login at and choose the Campus Plan option in the right column. If you don't already have an account, please click here to Register or Upgrade.
You will automatically be emailed a unique School License Promo Code for up to 150 authorized organizers (teachers, staff, parent leaders). Anyone with your School License Promo Code will be able to organize activities and Group/Class Page(s) using SignUp's Premium service and can be invited to your School Group Page(s). Parent and volunteer SignUp data will be tracked and available to you in school-wide reports following your first full month of service. 

3. Do we need the K-12 Campus Plan?

Anyone organizing SignUps in your school is welcome and invited to use our Basic (FREE) service at any time! Please see our article about using SignUp at different levels in your school: Click here

For schools or parent groups wanting a more centralized approach, our Campus Plan makes it extra easy (and cost-effective) to share planned activities, post SignUps to common School and Class Group Pages, and track parent and volunteer participation across Signups. Compare our free and Campus plans here.

4. Should I put all my needs on one SignUp calendar?

You CAN put all your school SignUps on one calendar but we do not recommend it. Schools typically have many different people organizing SignUps (teachers, committee chairs, room parents) and parents will respond best to specific targeted requests to participate.

For example, you may wish to invite all the parents to volunteer at the school carnival or bring food for the welcome potluck, but for scheduling class readers or parent-teacher conferences, each teacher will invite their own class parents. For more examples, please see this article: How should I set up my school with

5. What if I want parents to access all our school, grade or classroom SignUps in one place?

There are a few options for achieving this goal:

First, the easiest solution is to use our convenient Group Page(s). Each SignUp Organizer gets one FREE Group Page with our Basic service and an unlimited number of Group Pages with our Campus Plan. You may customize the page with your school logo or any image, and pick and choose which SignUps to post to the page. Parents access your Group Page with ONE link and can quickly see which SignUps are full and where you still need help. Examples:

School Group Page


Classroom Group Page


Carnival Event Group Page


Second, your individual Organizers (parent leaders and teachers) can quickly provide a Shareable SignUp Link to each activity. These links (or formatted SignUp buttons) can be easily posted on your school’s web page, Facebook page, Remind text service, or any eNewsletter.

We also offer calendar sync of multiple SignUps to an embedded Google calendar on your website - Learn more here.

6. Can we transfer our Premium membership from one organizer to another organizer?

Yes, we can transfer the Premium upgrade of your Campus Plan to a new lead Organizer's email address quickly – please send us a request to


Please also see these articles:

How should I set up my school with SignUp?

Your New Campus Plan: Overview & Common Questions

Parent Teacher Conferences - Concierge Service Now Available to Set Up Schedules for the Whole School

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