
Your New Campus Plan: Overview & Common Questions

Welcome to your new Campus Plan – the convenient and easy way to share all the benefits of SignUp's Premium service with your preK-12 school's parent leaders, teachers and staff. You'll also enjoy school-wide messaging and reporting features to support your success.

Once you learn how SignUp works, setting up your Campus Plan is a straightforward. Please take a quick look at the key roles, terms, and common questions below for a smooth setup.


Plan Administrator (Admin)

  • The person who first upgraded to the Organization Plan (identified by email address, likely you).
  • The ONLY one who can access reports and messaging across SignUps for the entire Plan.
  • The ONLY one who can request Ad-free or Cancel the Plan.
  • The ONLY one who can remove Organizers from the Plan.

Plan Organizers

  • Teachers, parent leaders and staff who will be organizing SignUp activities and events and have registered and upgraded their accounts using your Campus Plan License Code. Learn how Plan Organizers will upgrade their accounts - click here.
  • May belong to more than one Plan.
  • Can be the Primary Organizer of their own SignUps or an Assistant Organizer on others’ SignUps. (e.g. The 2nd grade teacher is the Primary Organizer of their Parent Conference schedule and the Assistant Organizer on the grade-wide Recess Volunteer SignUp.).


How Works: 

  • SignUp simplifies planning and boosts participation in everything you organize at school: fundraisers, class helpers and parties, parent-teacher conferences, and volunteers and service of all kinds. For tips on using SignUp school-wide, please click here.
  • Each individual SignUp has a unique URL and can be a single day, multiple date or no-specific date activity. A SignUp is comprised of Spots Participants sign up for. Learn how to create a SignUp - click here.
  • A Spot can be something to do (a task/job), an appointment, or something to bring, donate or pay for.
  • The Campus Plan s identified by a unique 8-character License Code and gives all Plan Organizers access to our full-suite of Max-level Premium Features. Learn about all our Premium Features - click here.
  • A Group Page is a custom page hosting links to multiple SignUps with one invitation link (URL). To see sample Group Pages - click here. The Group Page is 'owned’ by the person who creates it and they can give other Plan Organizers permission to post SignUps on their Group Page. Here are some sample Group Page and SignUp combinations in the format: Group Page Title – Sample SignUp links posted on the page:
    • PTO Volunteer Opportunities – Carnival, Fun Run, Cafeteria Volunteers, Library Volunteers and Teacher Workroom
    • Athletic Boosters – Varsity and Jr. Varsity Football, Volleyball, and Soccer Concession Stand Volunteer Calendars
    • 2ndGrade – Recess Volunteers, Field Trip Chaperons and Parent-Teacher Conferences for each teacher’s classroom
    • Mr. J's Kindergarten – Weekly Readers, Recess Helpers, Parent Conferences, Class Parties and Field Trip Chaperons
    • Fall Festival – Setup and Clean up Teams, Ticket Booth, Concessions, and for Dunking booth, Cake walk, and other booths
    • Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences – Teacher 1, Teacher 2, Teacher 3, Teacher 4....Teacher 25

Common Questions about your new Campus Plan

  1. How do I find my Campus Plan License Promo Code
  2. Should our school have one Group Page or multiple Group Pages?
  3. How can I let someone else post their SignUps to my Group Page?
  4. Who has access to change/edit/view each SignUp?
  5. How do I invite Participants to our SignUps or Group Pages?
  6. How do I run Campus Plan reports?
  7. How can I send messages to Campus Plan Participants?
  8. What’s the difference between Primary and Assistant Organizers?
  9. Can I make someone else the Primary Organizer of a SignUp I create?
  10. How can I remove an Organizer who has left our Organization?

1: How do I find my Campus Plan License Promo Code?

This 8-character code was sent to you when you upgraded in an email from with the subject "Important Instructions: Setting Up Your SignUp Campus Plan". If you can't find it, please contact us at from your Admin email address and we can look it up for you.


2: Should our school have One Group Page or Multiple Group Pages?

This is a decision made by the Admin. Think about:  

1)  How do your parents decide how to pitch-in? Are they looking for a specific type of assignment or for one grade/teacher? If so, posting your Signups to a Group page by category gets them to their destination faster.

2) How many total SignUps do you have?  A large list of Signups to sort through can be a bit overwhelming for potential Participants and makes a good candidate for multiple Group Pages. For example, a High School may have separate Group Pages for Performing Arts SignUps, Athletic Boosters SignUps, Senior Activities, Parent-Teacher Conferences and Other.

Learn More: How do I set up a group page?


3: How can I let someone else post SignUps to my Group Page?

When setting up or managing your Group Page, check the box that says, “Allow Others to Add SignUps to my Group Page?”. Anyone with your Campus Plan License Code will be able to view and add SignUps links to your Group Page.

Learn More: How can another organizer post a signup to my Group Page?


4: Who has access to change/edit/view each SignUp?

  • The Organizer and Assistant Organizers for each SignUp can change, edit and view activity information.
  • No one account automatically has access to view/edit all SignUps in your Plan account. 
  • The Plan Admin does have access to reporting and messaging across on all SignUps in the Plan.  

 Learn More: 

Can I add another organizer to my activity?

Can I run reports across multiple SignUps or for all my SignUps?


5: How do I invite Participants to our SignUps or Group Pages?

We make it easy to invite Participants – there are several options including sending personal invitations, emails with multiple links, Shareable invitation links sent via Social Media, HTML buttons embedded on your website, Remind, and more.

Learn More: 

How do I invite people to sign up for my SignUp(s)?

How do I invite people to sign up on my Group Page?

Can I send an Invitation to Multiple SignUps or to Participants invited to Group Page Signups?


6: How do I run Campus Plan reports?

The Plan Admin can run custom reports across all SignUps or Group Pages associated with the Campus Plan.

Learn More: Can I run reports across multiple SignUps or for all my SignUps?


7. How can I send messages to Campus Plan Participants?

The Plan Admin can send messages to everyone associated with a Campus Plan SignUp or to Participants associated with SignUps on a specific Group Page. 

Learn More:  Can I send a Message, Announcement or Document to Participants Across Multiple SignUps or Group Pages?


8: What’s the Difference between Primary and Assistant Organizers?

Only the Primary Organizer of a Plan account can...

  • Add other Organizers as Assistant Organizers to the SignUp
  • Archive, restore or delete a SignUp
  • Make another Organizer the Primary Organizer. {Once that change is made, the original Primary Organizer may NOT take back ownership of the SignUp. It must be passed back by the new Primary Organizer.}
  • Receive in-bound messages from participants

BOTH the Primary and Assistant Organizers of a Premium account can...

  • Add, edit and delete Spots and dates within a SignUp
  • Lock days
  • Invite participants
  • Message participants
  • Run rosters, reports and export SignUp data
  • Change themes
  • Add waivers
  • Receive weekly status reports and SignUp notifications from SignUp


9: Can I make someone else the Primary Organizer of a SignUp I create?

Any Primary Organizer can transfer their planned SignUp to a different Organizer (e.g. the school secretary sets up all the Parent-Teacher Conference SignUps, then passes the baton to send each teacher their own Conference SignUp schedule to distribute to their class parents.)

Learn More: How do I change the primary organizer?


10: How can I remove an Organizer who has left our School?

  • First login on a large screen device and access the My Tools tab in the menu
  • Click on the Organization Name at the bottom of the pull-down menu
  • Adjust the Filter to show All Organizers
  • Finally, remove any Organizers using the Tools pull-down menu to the right of their name.

Please Also See:

               Using SignUp School-wide

How do I configure Large Events (Carnivals, Festivals, Races, etc.)?

               Setting up School-Wide SignUp events (Back to School Events)

               Campus Plan Flyers to Share with Organizers 

Setting up Parent-Teacher Conferences for a Whole School or Grade

Parent Teacher Conferences - Concierge Service Speeds Planning


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