
How do I use for my Watch D.O.G.S program?

There are two different SignUp sheets that are typical for Watch D.O.G.S. groups - the first is the Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer Interest Form and the second is the Watch D.O.G.S. Master Calendar.

Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer Interest Form

The Volunteer Interest form a is a special No Date SignUp used for capturing interest in Watch D.O.G.S. but not actually signing up dads for their shifts. The link to this SignUp can be posted in school newsletters, flyers, text messages and in social media. Consider posting two SignUp items on your SignUp sheet:

New Watch DOGS, Yes, I am interested - (no times listed, unlimited number may sign up)

Returning Watch DOGS - welcome back!  (no times listed, unlimited number may sign up)



Once dads sign up, use the Message button to share next-step details (such as completing the background paperwork or attending an orientation meeting) and Export the data to get a roster of interested dads.  

Watch D.O.G.S.Master Calendar

The Master Calendar is the SignUp calendar where each dad chooses his day to help at school.

Login and from your Dashboard, click 

Step 1 of the Planner asks for information about you and your school.

Step 2 of the Planner is where you Add Spots - the actual appointment times the dads will sign up for. There are three elements to creating your spot.

  • First, you'll add a Spot called Watch DOG of the  Day (or similar).  Set the limit to 1 or 2, depending on how many Watch D.O.G.S. you allow each day; and, set the start and end time.

  • Next you will define when the spot will happen.  Most will want to choose a Repeating Schedule on M-F each week during the school year. Note:  For days when school is not in service, you will go back and remove those dates choosing to change "Just this Spot", not the series of spots.


  • Finally, you may add instructions or additional information for your Dads that will be included in their confirmation and reminder messages.

As your final Planning step, invite your dads to sign up and choose when they will pitch in. This help article explains invitation options, including pasting a URL link in your own email blast or newsletter. You can also invite dads from your Volunteer Interest Form or an approved Contact List.

 Here is a participant view of the annual Watch DOGS SignUp calendar:



  • will send automated confirmation messages when dads sign up and reminders to dads two days before their commitment.  You can change the frequency in your Settings tab under Email Preferences.
  • Schedule a Rolling Lock so dad's can't make changes to their assignments at the last minute.
  • Invite an office staff member or Teacher to receive a free Teacher Status Report of whom to expect when. 
  • Consider scheduling just one term at a time - not only does this avoid a lot of switching around later (people really do not know their schedules months in advance) , it will keep the site running fast for dads with older, slower computers.
Have you received your free Premium upgrade for Top DOGS yet?  It will allow you to collect t-shirt size and other information from dads when they sign up (e.g. child's name, teacher's name).  Let us know and we will upgrade your account, just send us an email to and request the Watch DOGS upgrade.


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