
Can I run Reports Across Multiple SignUps or for All My SignUps?

Premium, Organization and Campus Plan members have many custom options for reporting across multiple SignUps, by Group Page, or by Organization/Campus Plan Code. These are the quick steps: 

  1. Create New Report
  2. Select Report Type
  3. Select Options
  4. Manage Reports

1. Create New Report: Start by going to the My Tools tab when you log in and select Premium Reporting. Click the orange, Create new Report button.


2. Select Report Type

The first five reporting options are available to ALL Max-level Premium subscribers, which includes all accounts upgraded as a part of a Campus Plan or Organization Plan. These include: 

All Fields Export: All fields for all selected SignUps including the SignUp Title, Organizer, spots filled and unfilled, and Participant information 

Participant Hours Summary: Summary of all Participants including the total number of hours signed up for

Participant Hours & Details: Detailed list of all Participants by SignUp including the total number of hours signed up for and custom registration information

SignUp Summary: Summary of all SignUps listing total number of Spots requested and filled, hours and more

Unfilled Spots Export: List of all Spots that aren't 100% filled. If a Spot qantity is set to 'Unlimited' it will only show if no one has signed up yet. 

The last four reports let the lead Campus or Organization Plan Admin run the same reports across all SignUps organized with the School or Organization License Code. 

3. Select Options: Our Reports generator will guide you in selecting the SignUps to include in the report, choosing your date range and options, and the report format (.csv or Excel).

IMPORTANT: Archived SignUps are not included in reports. Please restore them before generating your report.

Your new report will be emailed to you in a few minutes and saved in your Premium Reports menu for quick access next time.

4. Manage Reports: Click the three dot (...) pull-down menu in the right column to Edit, Delete or Run an existing report.


See Also:

Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab (free reports for individual SignUps )

Sample Premium Reports

Can I Manage or Transfer Several SignUps at Once? Bulk Actions (to Restore Archived SignUps)




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