SignUp automatically batches the sending of Participant Assignment notifications every 20-30 minutes to give you time to make multiple assignments for an individual Participant that will then be included in just one notification email.
If you prefer to assign all participants first without notifying them immediately, please follow these steps:
1. Complete all the planning steps and set up your SignUp without making any assignments.
2. Go to the SignUp's Settings tab and select Email Preferences from the pull-down menu.
3. Set the "Notify Participants when Spots are changed" setting to NO.
4. In the SignUp's Spots tab, use the Assign option to make all your manual assignments. See: How can I add an assignment for a Participant or Volunteer?
5. To notify Participants of their new assignments, go to the SignUp's Messages tab and send them a message. The message will automatically include a personal SignUp link for them to view their assignments—just let them know they have new assignments and prompt them to click the link.