Welcome DonorPerfect members! SignUp.com makes it easy to sign up, schedule and track your volunteers and supporters.
Note: SignUp.com is formerly VolunteerSpot
To get started, plan your SignUps and volunteer schedule on SignUp.com. Register here
Once participants choose and work their shifts, you can track service hours and activity in DonorPerfect. This information helps with volunteer recognition and awards, segmenting your supporters, and sending targeted calls to action based on activity history.
A few tips for DonorPerfect members working with SignUp.com:
To learn how to set up your SignUps and volunteer calendars, please see our Quick Tips video tutorials.
You have several options for inviting your supporters including:
- Pasting a shareable SignUp link in a newsletter or email message (sent by you through DonorPerfect), or posting it on Facebook or Twitter
- Uploading your DonorPerfect contacts into SignUp.com and sending invitations directly through us
- Posting a SignUp button on your website
- Embedding a Google Calendar on your website that syncs with your SignUps
We'll handle all the confirmations, reminders and coordination for you and your SignUps are always up-to-date in real time.
When you're ready to export your volunteers' service data into DonorPerfect, download a .csv file in your SignUps' Reports tab. For now, simply make the following modifications to the field column headers and import the data into DonorPerfect.
The left row shows what your SignUp.com's .csv report will say - please change the column headers to match the field names in the right row before importing the file into DonorPerfect.
SignUp.com | DonorPerfect | |
First Name | FIRST_NAME | |
Last Name | LAST_NAME | |
Phone | HOME_PHONE | |
Who | VNAME | |
Date | VDATE | |
Date | OTHER_DATE | |
Hours Tracking | HOURS | |