
How can I Restore Archived SignUps?

If you've archived one or more SignUps, restoring them is easy. The process depends on the number of SignUps you're restoring.

Restoring One SignUp

1. Working from your Dashboard tab, set the Filter at the top of the page to show Archived SignUps.

Filter archived signups dashboard.png

2. Find your SignUp, click the gear (gear icon.png) icon and select Restore in the pull-down menu.

restore single signup.png

3. Reset your Filter to show All SignUps to access the newly restored activity. 


Restoring Multiple SignUps

1. Working from your Dashboard tab, set your view to List view by clicking the three-line box in the upper right and then set the Filter at the top of the page to show Archived SignUps.

Filter archived dashboard list view.png

2. Select your SignUps in the left column and then click the Restore button that appears at the top of the page. 

List view restore button.png

3. Reset your Filter to show All SignUps to access the newly restored activities. 


See also: 

How do I copy last year's or season's Signup plans to this year?

Can I Manage or Transfer Several SignUps at Once? Bulk Actions


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