
How do I print reports, rosters and sign-in sheets?

The Reports tab in the Organizer view of your SignUp has several options for viewing, printing and exporting your activity data. Start by going to the Reports tab of your SignUp's Organizer view. (Login and in the My SignUps menu on your Dashboard, click the SignUp Title to open your Organizer view).



  • Who's Coming: A summary of all the Spots and Participants in a specified date range
  • Printable SignUp & Check-in Sheets: A list of Participants who are signed up including email and phone; option to include Custom Participant Questions 
  • Roster: A list of all Participants invited and signed up, their contact information and number of assignments
  • Hours Tracking: A summary of hours for each Participant ((Max-level upgrade required) 
  • Export: Download (.csv) of all SignUp data to open in Excel or other programs
  • Interactive Report (beta): Customize what SignUp data you want to see then print or export the results. This report can be bookmarked in your browser for quick access.

After you have selected a report type, set your date range, options and view or print your report.


NOTE: A Print button appears in most browser menu bars when you open a report, roster or sign-in sheet. If you do not see it, try pulling down the File menu or use the keystroke shortcut of pressing Ctrl + P in PC or Apple + P in Mac.


For more details and sample reports, see Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab


Note: Campus Plan, Organization Plan and Max-level Premium members may additionally run reports across multiple SignUps. Learn more

For a quick video tour of all your Organizer views and options, please click here: Managing your SignUp


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