Contact Lists lets you store participant lists for easy messaging, invitations, and reporting. Enter contacts one by one, or Import your list from many common formats.
To get started, login and go to your My Tools menu and choose Contact Lists.
Choose Create a New List in the right column and give your list a Name.
Either add contacts one-by-one, or click Import to upload a list from your past SignUps, a .CSV or Excel file, or from DirectorySpot, TeamSnap, or Gmail.
Tips for Importing from a CSV file
We support importing CSV files from many sources such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, Eudora, and others. Click Import List and select the Import option to choose your file and get started.
- You can import up to 500 contacts at a time; after the 500th contact, the remaining rows will not be imported.
- Please ensure that your import file has columns for 'Email' and 'Name' at a minimum. We also support 'First Name', 'Last Name', and 'Phone'.
- If you have an Excel spreadsheet, please save it as a .csv file before importing. There is a 5MB file limit.
- Troubleshooting notes: If you have a file that will not import, first make sure you have the proper headings (see 2nd bullet above), then try saving as a csv UTF-8 file type.
When you import your list, you will be prompted to review and edit the contacts before uploading them. Click the pencil to edit any list, and the trash can to delete it. Click on any Contact Card to edit the person's information.
You can choose the Contact List option when sending messages and invitations, or running reports on your SignUps. In addition, you can use the Contact List to manually Assign Spots to Participants.
See Also:
- How do I invite participants to a SignUp from a Contact List?
- How do I invite People to Multiple SignUps or Group Pages Using Contact Lists
- How can I add an assignment for a participant or volunteer?
- What's the Difference Between a Contact List and SignUp Participants?