
How do I create a SignUp for Carpools?

Whether you are organizing a carpool for your child's class, Scout troop, or for sports tournaments, SignUp makes carpool planning easy!

Getting Started

Login, and on your Dashboard, click the Create New SignUp button to launch the four-step Planning Wizard.

Dashboard Create New SignUp Button.png

Provide Details

Complete the first step, Provide Details, by selecting the SignUp Kind as Single or Multiple Days, and adding a Welcome Message similar to the one in the example below explaining how parents should sign up to drive kids.  Complete the rest of the details on this screen and click Next at the bottom of the page.


Add a Spot

Step two of the Planning Wizard prompts you to Add Spots to your SignUp by clicking, the orange Create New Spot Button:

Complete this section as if you would be telling someone what you need when you are speaking to them

Step 1: What do you want people to sign up for?

Set the number of people to attend as the total number of children needing transportation and put the destination in the Spot title. Add the departure time, and the return time, if known. (see example below)

Step 2: What day(s) does this Spot happen

Choose the date or dates you need drivers


 Step 3: Add extra details

Ask parents to sign up for the total number of children they can transport. (see example below).

This is also the perfect place to add important information such as:

  • map links to the destination
  • pick up or drop off instructions
  • car seat needs

Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save your work.


Want to add more Spots? Clicking the Add a Spot button again and answer the prompts. 

Happy with all your Spots? Click Next to complete the Planning Wizard steps by choosing a creative background theme then inviting people to sign up or making manual assignments for them.

See Also:

Getting Started - the Basics of Setting up a SignUp

Managing your SignUps - Quick Video Tour



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