When it’s your turn to plan the party, potluck, reunion or community gathering, don't stress about organizing helpers, food an drinks - SignUp makes it easy! We simplify any size gathering from 5 to 500 - this short video will show you how:
Note: Some screens in this video may differ in color or layout due to recent design updates, but functionality remains the same.
Getting Started
- To begin setting up your SignUp, click on
from your Dashboard.
- On step 1, Provide Details, set the SignUp Kind to Single or Multiple Days and the Category to Potluck/Party. This will automatically set up your SignUp to ask Participants what specifically they are bringing.
- Complete all the basic Details on this screen and click Next.
- Before you Add Spots in step 2, think about everything you need people to bring (such as food and supplies) or to do (such as set up, clean up, host a game, etc.). We recommend you list specific items and designate how many people should bring each item or show up for each job. For example, a Company Potluck for 60 people may need:
10 Appetizers | 8 x 1 Dozen Rolls | 3 x Plates, Cups & Napkins (for 20) |
8 Main dishes (with meat) | 10 Desserts | 3 x Utensil sets (for 20) |
3 Main dishes (vegetarian) | 8 bottles of wine | 8 Plastic table cloths |
4 Large green salads | 4 x 1 dozen beers | 7 People to set up |
2 Pasta salads | 4 x 1 dozen sparkling waters | 7 people to clean up |
4 Vegetable side dishes | 8 pitchers for water | 1 DJ (bring your playlist) |
- Screen two prompts you to Add New Spots by clicking, the +Create New Spot Button:
Add a Spot
Step 1: What do you want people to sign up for?
- Specify how many people you need to bring each item and when you need it. In this case, we're asking 8 people to bring a Main Dish at 11:30 am.
makes it easy to add more Spots to this day that will share the same extra details (added in step 3 - like a map link, food allergy information or parking instructions).
NOTE: If Spots have different extra details, complete steps 2 and 3 for this Spot and click Save at the bottom of the page before adding a new Spot.
Don't forget to add items to your SignUp like paper products, drinks, ice, decorations, and extra chairs. Also add To-Do spots for people to help setup and cleanup, too!
Step 2: What day(s) does this Spot happen?
Select the date of your event (or multiple dates) by clicking on the calendar - a date will turn green when the Spots are added.
Set up a recurring pattern for festivities that occur weekly or monthly by selecting the second option below.
The text below the calendar will show you a summary of how many total Spots and days you are adding to the SignUp so you can make adjustments if needed.
3: Add Extra Details (optional)
This is a place to add anything important about your event or about these Spots and is helpful for several reasons:
- Extra details display when participants choose their Spot(s) - consider adding things like food allergy information, where to park, or dress code
- This information is included in all automatic confirmation and reminder emails
- You can add important links to documents, maps or videos stored in 'the cloud' - files from Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, Google maps, or your website.
Click Save at the bottom of the screen to add this Spot or batch of Spots to your SignUp.
You can then view your list of Spots:
Want to add more Spots? Clicking the Add a Spot button again and answer the prompts. Once you get started, it will be quick to proceed through the planning steps.
Happy with all your Spots? Click Next to in Step 3 you will Choose a Theme for the SignUp's background and choose or upload a logo/image. Finally, in Step 4, Invite people to sign up or make manual assignments for them.
Signing Up
When your participants and guests sign up, they will be prompted to write what they are specifically bringing in the Comments Box and this will be visible to others signing up. You can see this information in the Who's Coming, Interactive or Export Report. Please see: Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab.
Please also see:
How can I track RSVPs or the total number Attending an event?