
Participant / Volunteer Check-in

Participant Check-in is a Premium feature (Plus and Max level premium accounts, which includes Campus and Organization Plans) supporting several scenarios when you want to validate participation or formally track hours on your SignUps. It’s very helpful for both large events like carnivals, races and service days, and for every-day check-in to track people volunteering at schools, churches, call centers, etc. With Participant Check-in, you can:

  • Manually check in participants and volunteers on event day from multiple mobile devices or computers
  • Sign up Walkups (optional)
  • Virtually allow participants to self check in on their shift day
  • Follow up with participants to validate they attended an activity or event to capture their hours for reporting purposes

How Participant Check-in Works

Access this feature from the My Tools tab on your computer or choose Check-In from the 3-bar menu when logged in on your Smartphone, then follow three basic steps:

1 - Choose your SignUp(s)

2 - Select Options

3 - Check-in Participants


Step 1: Choose Your Signup(s)

Choose one or more SignUps for which you’d like to initiate check-in and click Next:


Step 2: Select Options

The next screen lists Check-in Options that may be helpful to you. You may choose one or more of these, or none.

  • Support Walkups – allow new participants to sign up on-the-spot
  • Participant Verification - automatically send an email after the event date(s) asking participants who did not check in to verify their own hours
  • Participant Self Check-in – Send an email prompting participants to check in themselves




Step 3: Check-in Participants

You are now ready to check in people; click Get Started to begin. Options at the top of the screen are to search by Participant record, by Spot (job/shift), or to Share the Check-in application with others.


Check in by Participant (default)

In the blue Participants tab, scroll to the participant’s name or search for a participant by Name or Email address.



Check in by Spot

In the green Spots tab, scroll to or search for a specific Spots (shifts/jobs, etc.). The screen will show number of people already checked in/total spots filled.


Tap on the Spot title to see the participant(s) assigned to this Spot and choose a name to check-in that person. If you have enabled Walkups in Options earlier, you will also be able to add new Participants from this screen.


Want others to help with Check-in?

The orange Share button at the top of the screen lets you invite others to help with Check-in from their own devices. Click it and email or text the URL link to your Check-in team. The Enable button here will turn the experience on and off for them.



Reporting on Check-Ins

Regardless of the method used to check in participants, you have options for reporting who has checked in and who has not. To review the check-in status of Participants active in:

1) an individual SignUp, run the SignUp and Check In Report or Export Report from the Reports tab of your SignUp's Organizer view.

2) multiple SignUps, run the All Fields Export Report in the Premium Reporting screen from the My Tools menu (in large screen devices.)


Also see:

Tour of My SignUps Reports Tab

Can I run Reports Across Multiple SignUps or for All My SignUps?

What are the Premium Features?


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