SignUp is a highly flexible tool that allows you to set up multiple locations in various ways, depending on your specific needs and the importance of participants' location preferences.
If each location has several shifts and needs, and people will likely choose how to participate BY location preference, consider creating a separate SignUp for each location and posting links to all of the SignUps on one common Group Page. In the example below, the Food Bank has North County and South County Pickups set up as separate SignUp calendars.
Once you setup one SignUp, it's easy to duplicate it for other locations. Please see:
Can I Use Plans From An Existing SignUp To Create A New SignUp?
If your Participants will NOT have a strong preference about which location to sign up for, consider creating just one SignUp to post all your needs.
You have a few options for specifying location within each SignUp - either by Spot Title (job or shift title) or in the Extra Details field of the Spot(s).
Please note: on your SignUp, each day's list of needs will be automatically sorted by Spot time, then by Spot Title.
Example: Location specified in Extra Details field (participant view)
Example: Location specified in Spot Title (participant view)
If you wish to have your Spots show in order by Spot Title, instead of by start time, you will need to put the shift times in the Extra Details field so the SignUp will not automatically sort based on time fields. Please note: this will prevent SignUp from automatically tabulating the number of hours a Participant has served.
Please also see:
How do I add a map to participant reminder notices?
Planning Large Events and Fundraisers